「スマートシティ時代におけるデジタルコミュニティーの生成事業」が神戸市の助成事業「CO+CREATION KOBE Project」Active型として採択されました。CO+CREATIONは、神戸市が民間事業者の技術やノウハウ、知識を活かし、行政課題や神戸市の地域社会が抱える課題の解決につながる取組みに対して費用の一部を支援するプロジェクトです。1-anotherは、web3時代に地域SNSと仮想通貨によるネイバーフッドの再生と自立分散化を目指すシェアリングサービスです。
CO+CREATION KOBE Project" has been selected as an "Active" project of the CO+CREATION KOBE Project, a project subsidized by the City of Kobe. 1-another is a sharing service that aims to revitalize neighborhoods and decentralize independence in the age of web3 through local SNS and virtual currency.

About 1-another
1-anotherとはhelp one anotherの意味。地域の人々がお互いに助け合うという意味。「地域SNS+地域仮想通貨」により地域ごとに豊かなコモンズを再生し分断と格差を緩和します。
1-another means help one another. It means that local people help each other. 1-another" is a community-based social networking service and a local virtual currency that will help to alleviate the divide and disparity between communities by revitalizing the rich commons in each community.
1-another generates GPS-based connections with people within a radius of several hundred meters to several kilometers, and shares idle local assets such as daily tasks, foodstuffs, clothing, unused appliances and furniture, and unused tools and vehicles. Generate connections for people to help each other through exchange of virtual currency within the area.
Local Virtual Currencies. It issues and benefits people with virtual currency for value exchange. These are not coins for investment or speculation, but for the real economy for the exchange of daily commodities. Even without money, we expect that sharing will protect basic livelihoods.
From Globalism to Local Communism. Reconstructing the region into a myriad of autonomous decentralized communities will protect people from the vulnerability of globalism. As stated by Kohei Saito in his book "Capitalism in the New Age," the revitalization of local communities is urgently needed in the midst of the global financial crisis.

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